Friday, January 4, 2013

I can’t keep this up. Every night he shows up and watches Sky. I’m always too terrified that he’ll notice me that it becomes impossible to sleep.

I should be getting to know our new people, but I can’t focus. Dumas has been making himself popular. He’s always making friendly conversation, unlike his partner Lazarenko, who keeps to himself all the time.

I finally talked to Lepidus about what was happening. He was concerned, but had the same question that I’ve been asking: What can I do about it? When you get down to it, that thing that’s scaring me every night is the man I’m working for. He’s behind all this paperwork I’ve been doing. All the finances I do are to support his need for us to kill people.

How am I supposed to match the two images together? The Boss was always a distant figure. More like a corporate boss than anything else. The Boss I see in Sky’s room is a monster.

Lepidus gave me some sleep medicine so I wouldn’t be awake all night. I know that’s just fixing the symptoms, not the problem, but I don’t know how to deal with the problem. Maybe I can try getting another room. But even if I do, I’ll still have to deal with the guilt of sleeping soundly while I know Sky is suffering so close to me, and there’s not a single thing I can do about it.

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