Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Interview with Sky

We’ll start with the news. After Dumas delivered his report, he was demoted down to a tracker. He’ll still be staying with us, but now as another resident instead of a guard. He’s taking the news extremely well. I think he was expecting some kind of horrific punishment, so a rank drop came as a relief.

Less relieving has been our finances. Again. Along with the news of Dumas’s demotion came word that the amount of money being sent to use may appear suspicious. So until the investigation on the death of the boy closes, we’ve been dropped back down to our previous level of funding. I barely scraped us by with that money when there were five of us, but now that there’s six, things are going to be really hard.

I’ve been trying to follow up on my plan to find out what the deal with Sky is. I found a really old tape recorder at a garage sale, and then sat her down for a talk, which I recorded. I’ve put the transcript below.

Diana: “So, um, Sky. I wanted to ask you a few questions, if that’s if that’s okay with you?”

*No response*

D: “Right. Um. Okay. I’ll just go ahead and ask.”


D: “That… stuff… that I saw happen with the Boss….”

Sky: “Why do you call him the Boss?”

D: “Excuse me?”

S: “Why do you call him the Boss?”

D: “Well, because he’s our boss… you know?”

*No answer*

D: “Okay… let’s try that question again. If you’re comfortable with answering, I mean. What’s going on when the Boss comes?”

*No answer*

D: “If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s okay.” *I start to put away the recorder*

S: “He talks to me.”

D: “What was that?”

S: “He talks to me. And shows me things.”

D: “What… kind of things?”

S: “I don’t remember.”

*She curled up with her legs to her chest, and refused to say anything else. After several minutes of getting no response, I turned off the recorder.*

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