Thursday, July 12, 2012

Another One Bites the Dust

There are days when I wish we could afford funeral expenses.

Another one of ours died yesterday. Called himself “Slasher,” so I expect he was one of the psychopaths amongst us, but even so…. Stuff like this is never pleasant.

According to what I’ve heard, he was interrupted by the police in the middle of a job. Had he been smart, he’d have given himself up. We could get him out easily after that. Instead, he tried fighting them. And in most cases, the lone guy with the knife isn’t going to do much against the multiple policemen carrying guns.

This is the reason I try to minimize the number of people I get attached to here. We die too easily. Even so, I hate having to fill out these papers. I always end up imagining what they were like. Before they became proxies, I mean. I create whole narratives in my head, where they’re all healthy, happy regular people who never heard of the Boss. It only makes me more depressed, but I can’t help it.

Lepidus has it even worse. He actually knows all these people. The poor guy’s too friendly for his own good. Every time we get a new recruit, he goes out of his way to get to know them, no matter how insane they are. “Just because we’re part of an evil murderous cult doesn’t mean we can’t be nice to each other!” is always what he says. Which means whenever we get news like this, he’s losing another friend. I’ve tried talking to him, but he always becomes distant at these times. I tell him that if he needs anything, I’ll be there for him, but he never takes me up on it. Wish he would… I hate seeing him like this….


  1. I'm sorry to hear about yet another death, miss. Send Lepidus my sympathy too, please....I know how he feels.

  2. Poor Slasher. Poor, stupid Slasher.

    I mean, he could have just surrendered and gotten arrested. What would they have charged him with? Attempted murder? Please, by the time it would come to court, the runner would have been gone or dead. At most, it would have come down to a simple illegal weapons charge and we could have gotten him out of that with just a fine.

    But he had to go and charge the police and get himself killed. Sociopaths don't grow on trees, you know...

  3. Cocky son of a bitch, I'll give him that.

  4. I am sorry that he decided to quickly to become another ghost.
