Monday, August 20, 2012

"Hey Lepidus, thanks for trying to talk Ahriman down when he came to take me away. That really meant a lot to me."

"Don't worry about it. If they killed you, I'd be stuck here all alone with these crazy people!"

"Haha, yeah...."

"Besides, you're the best friend I've got here. I can't stand by and let Ahriman just push you around like that."

"Yeah, of course. Because that's what friends do, right?"

Yeah. Because he and I are great friends. Totally awesome friends. Nothing but wonderful, awesome, just friends.

Damn it.


  1. Miss Diana? Does Mr. Lepidus know about your blog? Because if you're trying to keep your crush on him a secret you maybe shouldn't post about it where he can read it.

    Of course maybe he has a crush on you too and reading this will give him the confidence he needs to act on it. But if you don't want to take that chance, it's maybe best if you make sure he doesn't know about your blog.

    I'm sorry, I'm rambling about things I don't know much about. All the apologies from Turtle to you if I've embarrassed you.


  2. Don't beat yourself up too much. Odds are:

    -He's taken.
    -He's gay.
    -He doesn't want to risk getting too attached to you. No offense but it seems that those is Slendy's services usually don't go on to live long happy lives.
    -He's fucking oblivious.

    If it's the last two, go ahead and throw yourself at him. What do you got to lose?

    1. Nothing to lose. Plenty to gain. Like gaining unending embarrassment and awkwardness after he says no.

    2. It's not unending, you'll die eventually. And in your situation, eventually could be quite soon.

  3. Mustn't hesitate. Chase your passions. If you can stand up to Abriham, several times, I think you can handle a pitiful doctor.

  4. Go for it, Diana!

    I ship it so hard ^_^_^_^_^

  5. That is so cute.

    Good luck to you in this endeavor and I expect quite a few juicy details :D

    Wait what the hell am I talking about?
